Transparent White auto action (Beta) (白を透過にするオートアクション(beta版)) 白を透過にするオートアクション(beta版)

Content ID:1985230

  • 996
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Because it is a beta version, the color taste is slightly error after the action is executed. (Red is stronger.) ) beta版なので、アクション実行後は色味に少し誤差が出ます。(赤が強めです。)

White → Transparent!
It transmits through the white part of the color image or the non-binding illustration.
You can also extract line drawings, leaving the color information.
Please see the following image for details.

The first is the original data, the second is the action, the third is drawn below the running layer.
From the source data, the white information is extracted and made transparent.
The action keeps the source data. The original data will never be lost.
In addition, it is also possible to apply only a part of the action by hiding the layer is not required for extraction.

[Extraction of color line drawings and only part can be used for the image of the white background]
Only a part of ① is a white background, color line art image. (;  ;)
② fill the background white once. (Or show paper layer. )
③ Select the displayed layer to perform the action.
The results will be created layer above the first run. (^^)

[ Precautions : Please check here when it does not go well. 】
 * The action does not work well in the following case.
  • You have selected a hidden layer
  • You have selected a locked layer
  • There is a transparent part in the background
When the author is doing line drawing, the lower draw, because it often hides the place that is unnecessary using white.
This action was created for shortcut later processing.
If there is a part that needs improvement, I will respond as much as possible when I have time, and thank you from the DM.


①一部だけが白背景の、カラー線画画像です。( ;  ; )

注意事項 : 上手くいかない時はこちらをご確認ください。】
  • 非表示のレイヤーを選択している
  • ロックされたレイヤーを選択している
  • 背景に透明な箇所がある

Content ID:1985230

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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