Leasing maker 3D (リースメーカー 3D) リースメーカー 3D

Content ID:1968098

  • 98
  • 70 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D Object of the lease that I can do a decoration of my liking. Please be in the background decoration and illustration of the season.

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Number of vertices: 40,414 (57 ~ 17430)

There are eleven types of parts that can be applied to the foundation of leasing.
Not to mention the foundation of the lease, each part can be displayed alone, so you can decoration any pattern by duplicating object.

The material consists of 7 colors: white, red, green, blue, yellow, brown, default material (gray), and 8 preset colors with those colors.

On the object, there may be unusually dark black when the contour is applied, or there can be a big difference between what is visible in the object and the result of the LT conversion. It is fortunate when you can correspond by piling up object as appropriate.

Have a good leasing life!
頂点数: 40,414 (57~17,430)





Material マテリアル

  • preset preset
  • white white
  • red red
  • green green
  • blue blue
  • yellow yellow
  • brown brown
  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • All/All All/すべて
  • Wreath/Leasing Base wreath/リース土台
  • Ball/Ball ball/ボール
  • Bell/Belle bell/ベル
  • Box-ribbon/box (ribbon) box-ribbon/箱(リボン)
  • Box-cord/Box (string) box-cord/箱(ひも)
  • Leaf/leaf leaf/葉っぱ
  • Poinsettia/Poinsettia poinsettia/ポインセチア
  • Pinecorne/Pine Cone A pinecorne/松ぼっくりA
  • Pinecorne/Pine Cone B pinecorne/松ぼっくりB
  • Ribbon/Ribbons ribbon/リボン
  • Snow-crystal/Snow Crystal snow-crystal/雪の結晶
  • star/star star/星

Angle アングル

  • front front

Content ID:1968098

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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