Movement standing up from physical education (体育座りから立ち上がる動作) 体育座りから立ち上がる動作

Content ID:1962200

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It is an action to stand up from physical education. 体育座りから立ち上がる動作です。

It is the movement that rises from the physical education sitting using a 3D model.

1 Basic settings
  • 8fps (8 pieces per second)
  • Total of seven pieces
2 − 1 production process (preparation)

To learn more about the production process, please refer to the material you have previously uploaded. Here is a brief explanation of the words.
  1. Create a new animation file (frame rate: 8, end frame 8)
  2. Drag and drop your favorite 3D model or character into the animation folder
  3. Delete cell 1 in the default and use the cell number 1 for the current model.
  4. Adjust camera angle to determine character orientation
  5. Duplicate cell 1 to make 7 total
2-2 production process (application of pose)

Seven cells have a basic pose model, but you can apply poses to each of the models as follows:

Cell One gymsit_to_stand1
Cell 2 gymsit_to_stand2
Cell 3 gymsit_to_stand3
Cell 4 gymsit_to_stand4
Cell 5 gymsit_to_stand5
Cell 6-gymsit_to_stand6
Cell 7 gymsit_to_stand7

2-3 Position Adjustment

It becomes the following movement only by applying the pose. (Animated GIF stands up operation + Arrange to sit operation)

If you pay attention, you will move back when the left leg should not slide originally stand up.

Because the amount of the slide is comparetively, it might be able to go as it is depending on the scene to use. If you want to adjust the position of the left foot in cells 4 to 7, align with the left foot position in cell 3. The animated GIF at the top of the page is aligned.

This is an example of a front-facing model. This is not a position adjustment, but it might not be so anxious in case of not seeing the foot, and depending on the scene.

3 Summary

All the timeline settings of Animated GIF listed on this page are arranged as follows.

I have been working on this 3D model, and I have noticed that the basic settings + pose apply + position and rotation angle adjustment can be auto action all. By auto action, not only can make rough for the operation check easily, troublesome manual adjustment is likely to be unnecessary.

At some point, I would like to update the material structure, including the model that was up until now "pose + auto action".

Please use the manual for the time being.


1 基本設定
  • 8fps(1秒間に8枚)
  • トータル7枚構成です
2−1 制作プロセス(準備)

  1. アニメーションファイルを新規で作成(フレームレート:8、終了フレーム8)
  2. 好きな3Dモデル、キャラクターをアニメーションフォルダにドラッグ&ドロップ
  3. デフォルトで入っているセル1を削除し、今入れたモデルのセル番号を1とする
  4. カメラアングルを調整してキャラの向きを決める
  5. セル1を複製し、トータルで7枚にする
2−2 制作プロセス(ポーズの適用)


セル1 <ー gymsit_to_stand1
セル2 <ー gymsit_to_stand2
セル3 <ー gymsit_to_stand3
セル4 <ー gymsit_to_stand4
セル5 <ー gymsit_to_stand5
セル6 <ー gymsit_to_stand6
セル7 <ー gymsit_to_stand7

2−3 位置調整

ポーズを適用しただけでは以下のような動きになります。(animated gifは立ち上がる動作+座る動作にアレンジしています)


スライド量が少な目なので、使う場面によってはそのままでいけるかも知れません。調整したい場合は、セル4〜7の左足の位置をセル3の左足の位置に合わせます。位置合わせしたのが、ページトップのanimated gifです。


3 まとめ

このページに掲載しているAnimated gifのタイムライン設定はすべて以下のようにアレンジしています。




Animation basic Behavior アニメーション基本動作

Content ID:1962200

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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