Retro Filter Material set (レトロフィルター素材セット) レトロフィルター素材セット

Content ID:1952822

  • 5,709

It is a set of a image material that can be processed into a photo-like atmosphere and add something nostalgic just by adding illustrations and photos, and faded out of date.
Please change the opacity and the layer mode of the image material according to the illustration/photograph used.

Number of ■ Materials: 6
Seamless image material: 3 types
Deteriorated paper texture image material: 3 species
Produced in ■ 600dpi
■ [Deterioration paper texture] is a image material that reproduces the old paper that has deteriorated stain on the edge.
The image size is 1500 × 2000.


■ 収録素材数:6
■ 600dpiで制作
■ 【劣化古紙テクスチャ】は、フチに劣化シミがついた古い紙を再現した画像素材です。

Seamless type シームレスタイプ

Deteriorated paper texture 劣化古紙テクスチャ

Content ID:1952822

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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