This is the third round of the pen tool material set for line drawing.
■ All four types
■ Depending on the pen pressure detective level settings of your device, please understand that there is a case to be drawn different taste and sample.
Roughness: △ hoarse: Smooth: ○
-A pen that can draw a line that has been a puppy
Anti-aliasing is weak
Recommended for monochrome manuscripts
Roughness: × hoarse: × smoothness: ◎
-A pen that can draw smooth lines.
Recommended for color illustrations
Roughness: △ hoarse: ○ Smoothness: △
It is a pen that the author often uses for rough drawing and graffiti.
-It is adjusted so that the ink tint comes out by pressure.
Roughness: ◎ hoarse: ◎ smooth: ×
-500Rough pen ([graffiti pen set] is a pen that has increased unkempt feeling than
Graffiti is recommended for rough drawings, sketches, etc.
■ 全4種類
■ お使いのデバイスの筆圧検知レベル設定によっては、サンプルや作例とは異なる描き味になる場合がございますのでご了承ください。
ざらつき:△ かすれ:〇 なめらかさ:〇
ざらつき:× かすれ:× なめらかさ:◎
ざらつき:△ かすれ:○ なめらかさ:△
ざらつき:◎ かすれ:◎ なめらかさ:×
・500Rough pen(【らくがきペンセット】収録)よりもボサボサ感が増したペンです
Category 1 カテゴリ1