Hand-Painted Prism Kai 9 species (手描きプリズム改 9種) 手描きプリズム改 9種

Content ID:1942223

  • 26,900
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is hand-painted and watercolor-like prism breaks. I think that I can use it to make an emo atmosphere, a fantastic background, the light of stained glass. Turning on the border of watercolor will make it look glass and crystal.
We have increased the saturation and lightness overall.
The impression changes when the thickness is adjusted and it is thicker or thinner. Please feel free to adjust the thickness, spacing and brush density.
The Prism Kai Gold is a dual brush. The color of the brush changes slightly depending on the main color you select and how you want to apply it. Can also be turned off.
「プリズム改 金色」はデュアルブラシとなっています。選択するメインカラーと「適用方法」によりブラシの色合いがちょっと変わります。オフにもできます。

Previous version >
The material of this place can DL from an old version. The color is darker than the hand-drawn prism breaks.


Category 1 カテゴリ1

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Old version

Content ID:1942223

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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