Sand brushes [Set] (砂ブラシ[セット]) 砂ブラシ[セット]

Content ID:1933486

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It is a set of sand brush that does not use the image. 画像を使わない砂ブラシのセットです。

I think that the operation is a comparatively light one in the minute that the image is not used.
It does not mean that there will be no delays.

■ Paper size: A5 or more, brush size: 15mm or more recommended
 (Particle size is not linked to brush size.)


■ Is a relatively light brush, but it does not mean that it does not cause delays.

Paper Size: A5 or more, brush size: 15mm or more recommended (particle size is not linked to brush size)

The balance of the particle size might not become like the above-mentioned sample if the brush size is small because it adjusts it assuming that it to use it in a somewhat larger brush size.

Sharpener-only brushes are not included. If you want to use it for shaving, please choose a transparent color.

It is easy to come out uneven paint even if I paint .

When the particle size uses a small brush, be aware of the difference in the appearance of the monitor and printed material.









Sand Brush 砂ブラシ

Content ID:1933486

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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