Leaf brushes and shorter auto action [set] (葉ブラシと時短オートアクション[セット]) 葉ブラシと時短オートアクション[セット]

Content ID:2003610

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A set of shorter auto action that create a black and white cartoon leaf Brush and a border and fill layer (solid and toned). モノクロ漫画用の葉っぱのブラシと、輪郭線と塗りレイヤー(ベタとトーン)を作成する時短オートアクションのセットです。

※ It is an example. The gif above is drawn in this step

Create a new ① layer and draw a silhouette with a leaf brush

② auto action Run

(For Contour + tone + solid)
③ a solid layer to your liking * cut the transparent color with the selected leaf brush.

[Other precautions]

It is not included in this material collection that can draw parts other than leaves.

This auto action only creates a leaf contour and fill layer. You cannot draw or finish the highlights or shadows.







Leaf brushes and shorter auto action 葉ブラシと時短オートアクション

Content ID:2003610

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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