Twin pens for line drawings (線画用ツインペン) 線画用ツインペン

Content ID:1912607

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  • 20 CLIPPY

It is a set of two pieces of the pen for line drawing.
A custom pen (A) that I want to draw a line with slight roughness though it is smooth seemingly.
This is an analog-style pen (B) made with the same brush tip.

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(2022/4/20) I switched to a fee. Thank you for a lot of DL good gifts!



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1912607

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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素敵な素材にいつもお世話になっております。自分用に作成したものをシェアしていく予定です。いいね・CP・宣伝ありがとうございます!大変励みになります。 Thank you for the wonderful materials! They always help me a lot. I also share the materials which I made for myself. Really appreciate the LIKE and Clippy!:) 日本語/中文/Easy English OK