Sealing Stamp 3D (シーリングスタンプ3D) シーリングスタンプ3D

Content ID:1906121

  • 233
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D material of the sealing stamp.
It has a handle and a stamp.

It is a 3D material of the sealing stamp.

It has a handle and a wax (rose pattern and solid color) .

If you want to push your favorite pattern, use a plain color and use it for a good feeling .

(Only wax, I think some people want to use only the handle
It is registered with the material of asunder.

The person who wants to use a set is easy when the material registration is made a combination)






3D 3D

Content ID:1906121

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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