fill set to erase. (はみ出して→消す 塗りつぶしセット) はみ出して→消す 塗りつぶしセット

Content ID:1895784

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a tool that I made as much as possible fill less effort. なるべく手間を少なく塗りつぶしできる様に作ったツールです。

Click → ② to the part you want to paint ① to erase the place where it was over, two bucket tools to do, and a set of three pens to connect the part that is a big interruption of ③ line drawing.

I'm tired of selection to sew the gap of a line with a wall paint.
I'm tired of Chimachima the Chimachima part after painting with a brush.
Please try it.

⬛️ reference layer fill tools

1. set as reference layer a line-drawing layer(folder-enabled) .

2. Drag or click where you want to paint with the reference layer fill tool.

※ It is set from the line of the reference layer to protrude-like.
It is because a small gap between lines Seruseru in the width of the setting of the overflow.

⬛️ reference layer the eraser tool
3. If you fail to fill in the "reference layer disappear" tool
Click on the outside of the protruding area.

I can paint it to the bottom of the line drawing comparatively.

But keep in mind that if you make line drawing as one layer, it may spread even to the part which does not want to be painted .

⬛️ White Enclosure Tool

The part where the line is interrupted greatly like the video below is
Use the "White enclosure" pen tool to write the lines.

The color is made to be white.

Because the ink setting is "background", it does not suffer on the main line even if I draw directly to the line drawing layer.

If you want to write to a drawing layer directly, you must "replace brightness with transparency" after drawing. The lines that you wrote will disappear.

-If you do not want to rasterize because you are required to "Listarise" first in case of vector layer,
I think it's better to put line art in a folder → add new layer in a folder and reference layer the folder.
Discard or hide layers after fill.

















Bucket Tool バケツツール

Content ID:1895784

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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かんたんにイラスト・漫画がクオリティアップできるようなツールを目指して作っています。 ダウンロード・いいね!・ギフト、本当にありがとうございます!! ※過去に作成した素材でクオリティーが未熟だったと判断した素材は、 予告なく削除する場合があります。