Real Hair breaks (リアルヘアー改) リアルヘアー改

Content ID:1905980

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It is a simple photo-realistic hair brush. 簡単にフォトリアルな髪を描けるブラシです。

I want a brush to draw a realistic hair and photo easily, I made.
The brush name is named "Break" but there is no old version.
It is a remnant of trial and error when creating a brush. I'm sorry to be confusing.

You can easily draw realistic hair if you just draw with this brush to the normal layer.

▪️ How to use this brush

You can adjust the length of the hair.
If you lower the thickness of the tool property (gauge), the shorter the hair,
If it is high, a long hair can draw naturally.

Even if you stop drawing the pen in the middle, you can adjust the number of "punching" so that there is not an unnatural slip pause.  
The following left is a stroke that has been drawn up to the end
The right is the one that stopped drawing in the middle of the stroke.

The following is a reference illustration of the hair drawn only with this brush.

A bundle of hair seen from behind ▪️
-Layer mode on the hair drawn on the normal layer: Add a layer of screen and draw with this brush to the light part, it becomes even more realistic.

▪️ hair I've seen before
The part where the hair that the back of the face and the neck is thought to wrap in the back might be drawn by making a new layer under the layer and can express the depth more naturally.
I think whether a sense of depth comes out to feel good even if I multiply the gaussian blur.

The color of the brush is fixed to the color of the brush tip image to make it look real. The color of the brush does not change even if the color of the color wheel is changed.

※ I tried to make full use of the conversion of the layer mode and hue and making the conversion of the hair color, it was difficult to feel natural.
If I can improve it, I will add a version.

Please try to use it by all means.











Content ID:1905980

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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