An arrest scene of police officers cuffing a perpetrator or suspect.
When placing models, place them all on 1 layer so that when moving the camera, it will adjust for all the characters. The perp is straight-forward: just set that one on the ground with the ground object function.
After, place cop 2 (or female cop in this case) at the fore of the perp and positon cop so that left hand is pressed against perp's right shoulder like in image (gun optional).
Next, place cop 1(or male cop) at the left side of the perp and position the cop so that his hand is gripping both hands (or just 1 if so choose) of the perp. If you choose to grip just 1 hand, grip the left hand or else the cop will overtly clip through the perp.
addendum: I advise placing cop 2 1st because if you give her a gun it will be a lot easier to place it when the other cop isn't there.
Category 1