
Content ID:1876874

This is the same as the 2 poses I've posted already just now in 1 collection.

So to save you having to search for the matching pose if you've downloaded one already, I've made a collection containing both.  It should also be stated that this pose is based on the default body shapes of the Ver-2 3d models so if you need another body type, you may have to adjust the pose accordingly.

A tip for posing the characters, is to 1st set the default poses next to each other, rotate them about 90 degrees towards each other.  Afterwards, set the poses onto the models then move one of them close to the other so that the female's right hand is nestled in the male's left hand appropriately and the female's left hand rest on the male's chest around the collar bone.  Use image as a guide if need be.

FYI- It's a lot easier to use the default poses 1st instead of just dragging the pose onto the canvas (which would give you both the model and pose) because there would be less conflict moving the models around and next to each other when they are in the default pose.

Category 1

Content ID:1876874

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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