Cockpen (콕펜) 콕펜

Content ID:1874718

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Pen ◠ ͜ ◠ ◠ b made by crying because I couldn't adapt when I came across it as a clip while photoshopping
I still write while working on webtoons. Slightly more boogle than G-pen

6-7 size recommended - (I light it for coloring)


This is just wacom pen setting.
Use it, stiff it, or let it flow, take care of it.

포토샵 쓰다가 클립으로 건너왔을때 적응 못해서 울며 만든 펜 ◠ ͜ ◠ b
저는 아직 웹툰 작업하면서 씁니다. G펜보다 약간 부들부들

6~7크기 추천쓰~ (채색용으로는 비추)


이건 그냥 와콤 펜설정 상태인데
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Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:1874718

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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