5 kinds of beauties under the moon (月下美人5種) 月下美人5種

Content ID:1874502

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It is five species of illustrations only flowers of the moonlight.
600dpi 1181 × 1181px (huge)
Because I am based on the thing that I took a picture of the moonlight that my mother made bloom, you can use it with confidence.
Line drawings are drawn with a vector, so you can adjust the thickness after scaling.
Change the color of line art, change the color, toning, etc. please by oneself.
600dpi 1181×1181px(でかいです)

Beauty under the moon 月下美人

Content ID:1874502

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

知己夕子(hiyo)'s profile Go to profile

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