Buckwheat Pen Material Collection (蕎麦ペン素材集) 蕎麦ペン素材集

Content ID:1872816

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I put together the pen which I always use. いつも使ってるペンをまとめました

It is a pen that can be used for line drawing and the paint that there is not one pressure. 。

2 is an eraser that has no pressure of habit so far

3 I always use it for animation and the primer 。 Shake Reduction 33 is 。

4. You can blur the pressure by rubbing it in a weak pen 。

5 I use it when I draw the line drawing firmly 。 I think that it is difficult to use it by a person 。

1 筆圧がそこまでない線画にも塗りでも使えるペンです。

2 そこまで癖のない筆圧がある消しゴムです

3 いつもアニメ塗りと下塗りに使ってます。手ぶれ補正33です。

4 筆圧を弱くペンで擦ってみるとぼかすことができます。


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1872816

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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