A set of pencil brushes I made for sketches and sometimes line-work.
Play around with the textures and brush densities as you need them. Adjust as you please!
Doodle Pencil:
Standard HB-ish charcoal-like pencil
Soft n' Percise:
Soft pencil with higher pressure-sensitivity
!! NEW (NOV. 7) !!
Soft n' Altered:
An altered version of Soft n' Percise, but more dense, higher opacity. 2B-4B-like charcaol-ish pencil(?)-- I like using it a lot :)
Hope this will be of use to you~!
*yes, it has been called to my attention that precise is spelled wrong, but I will not be changing it.
Update history
2021/11/07 - Added new brush