Girl cartoon set 21 species (少女漫画セット21種) 少女漫画セット21種

Content ID:1871375

  • 2,486
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I added 15 kinds of material!

The outline and pupil of sparkling eyes like a cartoon girl, it is a brush that can be used in the iris! In addition to the eyes, the expression of the shadow and light.
I think that a cheek-dyed brush can use it for the emotion line etc. When the shine of the hair and the shock are received.
In addition, I open the sub tool detail palette of [Circle pupil of Maiden], "shape" → "line, painting" → "create both line and fill" to select the mycelial is a shiny effect brush. The atmosphere changes when the direction is 180 from the brush tip.

また、「乙女の瞳 円環」のサブツール詳細パレットを開き、「図形」→「線・塗り」→「線と塗りを作成」を選択するとほわほわパチパチキラキラした効果ブラシっぽくなります。「ブラシ先端」から「向き」を180にすると雰囲気が変わります。

I added 15 kinds of material!

10/7 additional material

10/7 追加素材

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Additional material 追加素材

Update history

10/7 material added 15 types 10/7 素材を15種類追加

Old version

Content ID:1871375

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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