[3D] perspective ruler making wire frame set (【3D】パース定規作成ワイヤーフレームセット) 【3D】パース定規作成ワイヤーフレームセット

Content ID:1867346

  • 8,310
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a 3D auxiliary material that can be created intuitively perspective ruler with Wireframe.
Because it is color-coded with XYZ, it is easy to understand visually.

Thank you very much for the download/nice/gift!

↑ Sister version Material thank you.

There is also a material layout.

If you move the yellow eye level of the wire frame horizontally
The same eye level, you can ruler different angle.

It is recommended that 3D rotation is possible while clicking the ruler and pressing Shift while clicking the thumbnail of the layer show ruler.
(※ Thank you because it becomes a simple way to the end. )


Example of Use

It is a solid that stretches up and down in physics simulation.
There are eight types of bodies. Please use the light source on because it is 3D character.
If physical simulation is in motion, object operation is not possible.
Be sure to turn OFF the height when you have finished adjusting.









Wire Frame ワイヤーフレーム

Bonus おまけ

Update history

The wire frame was reduced to the size of 2m. Fine-tuned the other mesh. ワイヤーフレームを2mの大きさまで小さくしました。

Old version

Content ID:1867346

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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