[3D] perspective ruler making wire frame set (【3D】パース定規作成ワイヤーフレームセット) 【3D】パース定規作成ワイヤーフレームセット

Content ID:1843871

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a 3D material that can be created intuitively perspective ruler with Wireframe.
Because it is color-coded with XYZ, it is easy to understand visually.
In addition, there is a mini box which easily understands a space and a distance, a solid to extend up and down.

Thank you very much for the download, the good and the gift ✨
Fixed the bug. Thank you for your inconvenience update.
  • 【 Important 】 The number of the parse at the time of the wire frame load was corrected because it was large.
  • Added the specifics of the mini box to the layout.
  • I added a solid to stretch the top and bottom.

I set the material layout.

I tried to write the background in the perspective ruler made with commentary images.
I think that I can use it enough because only the character is put.
The person in front can distinguish it from the chubby of the person on the details and the back side.
Because it is light weight, I can add it with a copy by [Ctrl + C] and paste with [Ctrl + V] Crispy.

It is a solid that stretches up and down in physics simulation.
You can use it as it is, make pillars and make rods.
There are eight types of bodies. Please use the light source on because it is 3D character.
If physical simulation is in motion, object operation is not possible.
Be sure to turn OFF the height when you have finished adjusting.

※ The Mini box and the auxiliary grid are not locked to be able to rotate and move

Drag and drop directly from the material to the layer if you want to place it in the center .


If you move the yellow eye level of the wire frame horizontally
The same eye level, you can ruler different angle.
It is recommended that 3D rotation is possible while clicking the ruler and pressing Shift while clicking the thumbnail of the layer show ruler.
(※ Thank you because it becomes a simple way to the end. )
  • 【重要】ワイヤーフレーム読み込み時のパースの数値が大きくなっていたので修正しました。
  • ミニボックスの細目をレイアウトに追加しました。
  • 上下に伸縮する立体を追加しました。








Wireframe Ruler ワイヤーフレーム定規

Bonus おまけ

Update history

* Important 】 The number of the parse at the time of the wire frame load was corrected because it was large. The details of the Mini box were added to the layout. -I added a three-dimensional to stretch up and down. The auxiliary grid and the circle grid are summarized in one. ・【重要】ワイヤーフレーム読み込み時のパースの数値が大きくなっていたので修正しました。

Old version

Content ID:1843871

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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