4 types of 3D pillars that can be length-adjustable (길이조절이 가능한 3D기둥 4종) 길이조절이 가능한 3D기둥 4종

Content ID:1865292

  • 1,027
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

4 basic 3D columns

4 types of triangles,squares,hexagons,/circles
There are four lengths. (short/medium/long/very long)
Additional length adjustment is possible.

See gif how to use it

The square pillar is the same material as the material posted yesterday (content ID: 1865048)
Make a few more varieties and upload them as a set.
4 basic shorts

How to control the length
We'll raise it to 10cp after a certain amount of time.
기본적인 3D 기둥 4종류

삼각형/사각형/육각형/원형 4종류
4가지 길이가 있습니다.(short/medium/long/very long)
추가적으로 길이 조절이 가능합니다.

사용방법 gif 참고

사각기둥은 어제 올린 소재와 동일합니다(컨텐츠 ID : 1865048)
몇종류를 더 만들어서 세트로 올려봅니다
기본 4종류(short)

길이조절 방법
일정 시간이 지나면 10cp로 인상할 예정입니다

Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:1865292

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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