Crm_ pop random color confetti and paper tape set (Crm_ポップなランダムカラー紙吹雪と紙テープセット) Crm_ポップなランダムカラー紙吹雪と紙テープセット

Content ID:1842589

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A set of random, slightly colored confetti brushes, and pop-up paper tape brushes that draw in two colors.
The quality might be subtle because it is a guy who originally adjusted the for oneself, please if you are good...

It is a simple confetti. It changes to a slightly random color based on the drawing color.
If you turn on the "brush size" of the spraying effect implemented in 1.10.10 , the size of the confetti itself will change as brush size . (By default)

Draw a mixture of main drawing color and sub drawing color.

It is a ribbon brush of the twisted paper tape. (Because it is the first time to make a ribbon brush, various setting might be loose.)
Because the twisting condition changes by pressure, is the movement? . Because there are two kinds of thickness, it is favorite.

A pen created to make a paper tape brush brush tip. The attitude of the sides changes when you adjust the number of "orientation".
Depending on the brush size, it might be better to adjust the thickness.

Because it is a very simple thing, I think that it is more natural to draw and add a blur filter depending on the style of painting.

I think it would be better for them to use these deformed-leaning paintings...? ↓







Confetti 紙吹雪

Paper tape 紙テープ

Update history

2021/05/28: Upload 2021/05/28:アップロード

Content ID:1842589

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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