Animation and art composition support grid (アニメ作画・美術構図支援グリッド) アニメ作画・美術構図支援グリッド
Content ID:1836448
CLIP STUDIO in the digital drawing software for competing animations —-drawings and layout paper composition guide.
It is a split composition guide made in the usual ' own self ' nori.
Please use it for the composition examination of the illustration for copyright and number.
It can be set to the color, the line type, and the thickness of the favorite if it is necessary (all vector material).
2) Drag and drop any composition frame from the material panel.
Position adjustment: Canvas
The entire construction paper is divided by a composition frame.For large size
Position Adjustment: Finish
Divide the base size by the composition frame.
Position Adjustment: Basic frame
Split a composition frame in the effect frame
———Because the CLIP STUDIO animation canvas setting cannot create a scan frame (no outer frame), the same range is divided into "finish (composition Frames)".
- After placing the layer color, opacity layer hierarchy, "template" folder and put the lock is safe.
- The frame folder cannot be set to the position adjustment. If you want to use the cartoon frame composition for the purpose, you need to adjust the manual according to the frame border.
- Since we are all created as vector data, it is also possible to convert from vector to ruler. A justification mark for the align command.
20200501 appended;The Deskel/Dessin Scale can be reproduced by combining this material with a new Dragonfly, a comic .clip with a basic frame canvas, a layer mask.Note: New "illustration" Cannot set the Dragonfly/Basic frameThe writing of the finished work is set to the same size as "finishing" of the canvas setting "Basic frame ", and the dialog displayed when "Merge and export" is specified "the written range; to inside of crop mark ".The example of the material "split split", "Quadrant", "safe zone" frame, "layer mask: show mask area", "the writing range; to inside of crop mark " on the export, the canvas itself to A4 Deskel (297 mm × 210 mm).Finish & Set the basic frame to 245 × 192mm to F2 Deskel.
New comic .clip B4 F4 350dpi A4 F2 Descalten Plate was added.Please use it to cut out the idea sketch and rough.[Note] template please create a canvas to be loaded in "New comic .clip"
- vector layer with quadrant + layer mask attached
- Display of drawing out of cut range on off, cut frame = mask area display can be switched
- Camera frame (outside the Dragonfly) fill mask layer
- Easy image after image integration and export...
The digital drawing environment and the canvas size are mixed. It does not ship because there is a case that does not require a tap hole, but the [new animation .clip] composition dividing line & TV frame (the write-up range) to the line test (preview play) camera frame in a full digital if, it is recommended to put it on the top side and the layer mask layer structure as a tie to the composition guide with the function of the grid equivalent.
Added a golden Helix (single), golden ratio and silver scale assortment (Layer folder template).
If you are not familiar with the treatment, please check fixed aspect and scale.
Quarter split
Rail Man Division
Golden HelixGold ratio Scale-packed
If necessary, turn on and off the display of the Helix, circle, and frame.Silver ratio Scale Assortment
If necessary, turn on and off the display of the Helix, circle, and frame.
Golden Ratio
Baroque Composition, Diagonal method, and the Golden Triangle, please scale after putting the check in "fixed aspect".
- 配置後はレイヤーカラー・不透明度・レイヤー階層・「テンプレート」フォルダに格納してロックをかけると安心です。
- 「コマフォルダ」は位置調整に設定できません。漫画のコマ構図模索を目的に使用する場合はコマ枠にあわせて手動調整する必要があります。
- すべてベクターデータとして作成しておりますので「ベクターから定規に変換」も可能です。「整列」コマンドが搭載されるまで位置合わせの目印にどうぞ
20200501追記;当素材と新規トンボ・基本枠キャンバスつきコミック.clip、レイヤーマスクを組み合わせるとデスケル / Dessin Scaleを再現できます。注)新規「イラスト」ではトンボ/基本枠を設定できません完成した作品の書きだしはキャンバス設定の「基本枠」を「仕上げ」と同じサイズに設定し、「統合して書き出し」時に表示されるダイアログで「書きだし範囲;トンボの内側まで」を指定して下さい。当素材「二分割」・「四分割」、「セーフゾーン」枠、「レイヤーマスク:マスク範囲を表示」、エクスポート時に「書きだし範囲;トンボの内側まで」することでキャンバスそのものをA4デスケル(297 mm × 210 mm)にした例。仕上げ&基本枠を245 × 192mmに設定すればF2デスケルに。
新規コミック.clip B4・F4 350dpi用A4・F2デスケルテンプレートを追加しました。アイデアスケッチやラフの切り出しに活用下さい。【注意】テンプレート読み込み先となるキャンバスは「新規コミック.clip」で作成願います
- 四分割+レイヤーマスクを添付したベクターレイヤー
- 切り出し範囲外描画の表示オンオフ・断ち切り枠=マスク範囲表示の切り替えが可能
- カメラフレーム(トンボの外側)べた塗りマスクレイヤー
- 「画像統合して書き出し…」後のイメージが容易
Golden Ratio
Baroque Composition、Diagonal method、Golden Triangleは「縦横比固定」にチェックを入れてからスケーリングして下さい。
Domestic standard 国内規格
Overseas standards 海外規格
Template (Quarter sample) テンプレート(四分割サンプル)
Gold ratio, silver-scale assortment 黄金比・白銀比スケール詰め合わせ
Bonus, Vanishing Circle ruler Generation guide おまけ;消失円定規生成ガイド
Extra, tatami mat guide おまけ;畳ガイド
Update history
20210427: Public
20210501: A4/F2 (B4 F4 350dpi mm) quadrant template added
20210503: Golden Helix, gold ratio, silver-scale assortment added
20210505: Baroque Composition, Diagonal method, which is used abroad,
Added Dynamic Symmetry Grid, Golden Triangle
20210506: Bonus, Vanishing Circle Ruler generation add guide (vector layer set)
A person who considers a point in a circle, or reads an area of 11 inches or less in a stenosis screen
For when you are not operating the vanishing Point guide far away.
After scaling to the object to be composed, the quarters to create a ruler from a vector
The vanishing/converging circle ruler is generated.
20210517: Added a mat guide. It is for the floor area grasp of the indoor scene.
20210501:A4・F2(B4・F4 350dpi mm)用四分割テンプレート追加
20210505:国外で使用されているBaroque Composition、Diagonal method、
Dynamic Symmetry Grid、Golden Triangleを追加