Ages of Konik horses (Ages of Konik horses) Ages of Konik horses

Content ID:1832751

  • 6

These are three horses of the same breed standing behind of each other. I can assure you that the light fur of the youngsters turned completely to the brown tone of the adult horses by now and they basically look like their mother grazing in front of a beautiful landscape. These are three horses of the same breed standing behind of each other. I can assure you that the light fur of the youngsters turned completely to the brown tone of the adult horses by now and they basically look like their mother grazing in front of a beautiful landscape.

Update history

Content ID:1832751

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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Just some weird german biologist and animal keeper with a hobby to paint fantasy-stuff. If you are interested in my art, please feel free to visit me at: Or read my comics on: