Crm_ unrefined assistant Drawing pen V2 (Crm_野暮助線画ペンV2) Crm_野暮助線画ペンV2

Content ID:1832671

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Reading is a pen unsophisticated. It is a set of dowdy line-up pen and auxiliary material, such as analog color pen. We have added various pens. 読みは「やぼすけせんがペン」。アナログのカラーペンのような野暮ったい線画用ペンと補助素材のセットです。色々ペンなどを追加しました〜

① a color other than black, the color becomes darker when you repeat the stroke.

② can be analog-like bleeding and liquid pools .
Brush size is too large to be unnatural. Please be careful.

There is also a "smooth" version that ③ a little bleeding. Please choose the proper choice.

It is a little thin. You can apply gradient map by running the auto action below.

The pressure is weak (or the stroke is fast) and main drawing color, and the pressure is strong sub drawing color closer. Overall sub-leaning.
You can apply gradient map as is.

It is a little special pen. Correspondence since ver.1.10.5. The color is a little darker than the drawing color by the specification.

You have made the following changes:
Changed from Japanese to English with some Roman alphabet.
-I thought the color of the previous version of the gradient is too dark, add a lighter

I've added a variety.
※ If you want to apply the effect to multiple layers, please close together or one Layer folder combined !

◎ Insert to ten-pres
Make a white groundwork to match the lines and create a template to apply the gradient map. It is recommended to draw in black .

When the dialog opens, select the desired gradient and click OK.

◎ [For two colors] insert to ten-pre
It is for "unrefined assistant 2 color pen". For this pen, it is recommended to make the main drawing color white and sub drawing color black .
Same street here.

[For 2 colors] preview the Grademap in the clipping state
Street name. There are other uses, maybe.

Making the base layer again
Use this if you have erased or re-painted some of the lines you drew in the insert to ten.

Creating uneven layers (hard light 60% overlay 75%)















Pentax ペン

Supplementary material 補助素材

Update history

2021/04/08: Ver. 2 Update (add material, commentary, change of use example) 2021/04/08:Ver.2へアップデート(素材の追加、解説・使用例の変更)

Old version

Content ID:1832671

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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