Japanese animation digital Art course [VIDEO]-video, TP correction-collection of materials for (日本アニメーション デジタル作画講座【動画編】-動画・TP修正-用素材集) 日本アニメーション デジタル作画講座【動画編】-動画・TP修正-用素材集
Content ID:1826852
This material collection is based on the auto action of "for video" and "TP correction" used in "Japan Animation Corporation".
Please see the course for how to use the material.
* Precautions for use *
TP Correction method Here is the method of the TP correction done only in "Japan Animation Corporation".
The method varies by company. If it is used in your environment, please make sure to confirm that the method of this TP correction is correct and use it after finishing it.
Workspace _ver02 for Videos
This is a workspace for videos used by Japanese animation Co., Ltd.
You can use it more efficiently when you register the auto action for "Day ANI animation".
TP Osamu workspace _ver01
This is a workspace for TP correction used by Japan Animation Co., Ltd.
You can use it more efficiently when you register the auto action for "Day ANI type TP correction".
Auto action _ver01 for videos
We put together auto action such as "paper Making" system auto action, and "split 1/2" and "onion skin 1" and "layer pasting" convenient for video work.
TP Osamu auto action _ver01
This is a auto action for TP correction used by Japan Animation Co., Ltd.
Note: If the color of the main line is different, you need to change some of the auto action. Please be sure to refer to the explanatory video when using it.
G-pen (for double-valued), eraser (for double-valued), curve (for double-valued), ellipse (2 for value) "fill (for binary)", "auto select (for binary)" and "lasso (for Double-valued)"
Tool used for TP correction. The tool is required to be used when the anti-aliasing is off in TP correction. All distribution tools are set to anti-aliasing off.
Digital Animation Course (Video version) デジタル作画講座【動画編】
Video workspace _ver02 動画用ワークスペース_ver02
Video auto action _ver01 動画用オートアクション_ver01
TP Osamu workspace _ver01 TP修用ワークスペース_ver01
TP Osamu _ auto action _ver01 TP修用_オートアクション_ver01
G-pen (for double-valued) Gペン(2値化用)
Eraser (for double-valued) 消しゴム(2値化用)
Curve (for binary) 曲線(2値化用)
Ellipses (for binary) 楕円(2値化用)
Fill (for double-valued) 塗りつぶし(2値化用)
Auto select (for double-valued) 自動選択(2値化用)
Lasso (for double-valued) 投げなわ選択(2値化用)
Update history
The auto action material of one point below 2021/03/12 was corrected.
TP Osamu auto action _ver01
2021/03/12 以下1点のオートアクション素材の修正を行いました。
Old version