Road signs and α (道路標識+α) 道路標識+α

Content ID:1816015

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It is a collection of materials of the road sign surprisingly difficult to draw!
Because it is layer template, I think that it is comfortable with something.

I drew it to use it myself, but surprisingly it was popular, so I'll try to publish it.
Created: enlarged (not degraded) drawn in 60mm×60mm 600dpi

Below is an example.

↑ I can put a favorite letter and a picture in a red triangle and a warning sign!
I think that the font is either Arial or a round Gothic body is perfect.

It took a lot of time and effort, so it will be a pleasure and encouragement if you give a gift at no cost!
Depending on the reaction, you might add a sign that is not here.

作成:60mm×60mm内に描いたものを拡大(劣化はしていません) 600dpi




The road marking set is α 道路標識集+α

Update history

2021/1/24 Guide plate, crosswalk, warning signs, Safety Zone, designation direction, Red Triangle, entry prohibition, one-way two species all nine published 2021/1/24 案内板、横断歩道、警告標識、安全地帯、指定方向、赤三角、進入禁止、一方通行2種の全9種公開

Content ID:1816015

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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