Sumahoblasi Set (スマホブラシ セット) スマホブラシ セット

Content ID:1812122

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It is a smartphone brush. You can also be used as a tablet terminal using the scale as well as smartphone.
The resolution was created in 600dpi.

▼ Drawing Method ▼
1: Select the brush you want to use to depict on the screen for several minutes
2: When you are done messing with the free transform, duplicate and shift (thickness)
3: I erase the overlapping part and erase the part that does not need to depict the outline of the thickness and ends.

... I think I can draw a feeling.
Here is an example of drawing. For your information!

スマホのブラシです。 スマホだけでなく拡大縮小を使ってタブレット端末としても使用していただけます。



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1812122

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

sinjou-K's profile Go to profile

漫画やイラストなどに使えそうだな~って思ったものを自分のためにも載せていこうと思います!(更新頻度激低) DLだけでなく♡やギフトも下さりありがとうございます!ギフトの方、大切に使わせていただいております!