Reworked version blinking prism + Color phase change prism (手直し版ちかちかプリズム+色相変化プリズム) 手直し版ちかちかプリズム+色相変化プリズム

Content ID:1805279

  • 1,372

I was interested in the use, the adjustment of the part that is convenient if this is "blinking prism brush" and a set of prism effect brush with the new features of the updated version CLIP STUDIO of the brush. 使用していて気になった、こうだったら便利だなという部分を調整した「ちかちかプリズムブラシ」の手直し版と、アップデート版CLIP STUDIOのブラシの新機能を使用したプリズム効果ブラシのセットです。

I made a brush with the stamp type of the blinking prism brush and the size of the particle newly.

The drawing layer is recommended for the light emitting system such as addition and screen.
Because the impression may be thin only by the stamp brush once, I recommend that I push a pom-poms several times to the same place.

All the examples below were drawn with dodge (Light emitting) 》

Color phase change Prism is recommended color of saturation increase.

Initially, the hue item is set to + 97, but if you want to suppress the change in color, try setting the number smaller.

I am emo even if I do chromatic aberration processing.







Prism プリズム

Update history

2020.12.11 10CP to start publishing materials 2020.12.11 10CPで素材公開開始

Content ID:1805279

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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