Cortex Brush Set ver. 2 (木肌ブラシセット Ver.2) 木肌ブラシセット Ver.2

Content ID:1801008

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A cortex-style brush with a tree trunk for monochrome and 600dpi manuscripts. モノクロ・600dpi原稿用の、樹の幹の木肌風のブラシです。

[Cortex Brush set ver. 2]

A cortex-style brush with a tree trunk for monochrome and 600dpi manuscripts.
Thank you for your favorable reception.

I added three brushes for the cortex, and four brushes for the brunches.
I was charging for this degree upgrade.

It is intended for monochrome and 600dpi manuscripts.
Because it is a ribbon brush, the texture can be expressed according to a stroke to the shape of a free tree.

  • " Cortex 1 (general purpose)" originally "Cortex (ribbon) 1" 

    It is a versatile tree trunk wind.
    Since the "thickness" is set to zero in and out, it becomes difficult to become cut like the end of the brush.
    When drawing the edges of the stem surface, the thickness is much smaller by lowering the pressure.

  • " Cortex 2 (Pine Nan) " cortex (ribbon) 2 

    It is the trunk wind of the tree such as the pine and Kusunoki.
    Because it tends to become monotonous a little, it might be a good idea to adjust the "brush size" and "thickness" to make changes.

  • " Cortex 3 (tree peeled A)" originally "Cortex (ribbon) 3" 
    "Cortex 4 (tree peeled B)" Originally "Cortex (ribbon) 4"

    Trees such as sycamore Tree Wind. You can draw like peel bark.

  • " Cortex 5 (Hinoki) " originally "cortex (ribbon) 5"

    It is a trunk wind of a tree such as cypress.
    The "thickness" is set to zero.

Note: This five-point brush changes the change icon and brush names, but the brush itself has no changes from Ver.1.

★ Additional BRUSHES ★

  • "Cortex 6 (piece processing)"
    The texture of the cortex is cross-hatching process based on the circumferential direction of the stem.
    I think that it is good to use it on the side which becomes a shadow in consideration of the light source because it becomes noisy when putting it in the whole trunk of the tree.

  • "Cortex 7 (with white back)"
    "Cortex 8 (with white back)"

    In 600dpi manuscript, it is set to the thickness of about 5 ㎜, and white back is painted.
    Because it is "multiplication" by the initial setting, it is possible to thicken the density by layering it.

    "Cortex 7" and "Cortex 8" look like there is little difference in the flash, since "Cortex 7" is a longer line on one side of the stroke direction, it is assumed that "Cortex 8" is used for the inside of the shadow side of the trunk and the branch.

    Because it is a brush with a white back, "edge" of "border effect" is TURNED on the layer property of the layer to draw, and the color of the edge is drawn by black, and the outline of the tree trunk is completed easily, and, please try it by all means when rushing.

  • "Brunches-Treetops Mixed"
    Randomly draw multiple "tip with short branches" and "Tip without treetops".

  • "Brunches-Lots of treetops"
    This is a brush that uses only the top of the treetops.

  • "Brunches-bent-no treetops"
    It is drawn as bent in some places because it contains the tip with the branch bent only although the tip without the tree branches.

  • "Brunches-straight-no treetops"
    It is a tip without branches, but because it is almost straight, it becomes a simple branch representation.
For the way of drawing that strokes from one branch to the root, try TURNING the thickness of the starting and ending to on in the tree mixture and the treetops. The branch becomes thin.
If you want to draw from the root to the branch, make the "orientation" of the brush tip to 180 degrees.

I adjust the thickness by the pressure and the thickness, but, please adjust it to change to the size of the favor by each one because the setting of the tablet setting and the CLIP STUDIO is different and the way of the thickness differs.

If necessary, I think that I can put out a sense of quality and a stereoscopic feeling more by adding it and erasing it.





  • 「木肌1(汎用)」  旧名「木肌(リボン)1」


  • 「木肌2(松楠)」  旧名「木肌(リボン)2」


  • 「木肌3(樹皮剥A)」  旧名「木肌(リボン)3」
    「木肌4(樹皮剥B)」  旧名「木肌(リボン)4」


  • 「木肌5(檜)」  旧名「木肌(リボン)5」




  • 「木肌6(カケ処理)」

  • 「木肌7(白バックあり)」




  • 「木枝-梢混合」

  • 「木枝-梢多め」

  • 「木枝-曲折-梢なし」

  • 「木枝-直-梢なし」



Cortex Brush (Ver.1 recording) 木肌ブラシ (Ver.1収録分)

Cortex Brush (ver. 2 added) 木肌ブラシ (Ver.2追加分)

Brunches Brush (ver. 2 added) 木枝ブラシ (Ver.2追加分)

Update history

I added three brushes for the cortex, and four brushes for the brunches. 木肌のブラシを3パターン増やし、木枝用のブラシを4点追加しました。

Old version

Content ID:1801008

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

ねぐら☆なお/有楽舎工房's profile Go to profile

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