Cortex Brush Set (木肌ブラシセット) 木肌ブラシセット

Content ID:1674828

  • 27,865

A cortex-style brush with a tree trunk for monochrome and 600dpi manuscripts. モノクロ・600dpi原稿用の、樹の幹の木肌風のブラシです。

[Cortex Brush Set]

Cortex wind brush on tree trunks.
It is intended for monochrome and 600dpi manuscripts.

Because it is a ribbon brush, the texture can be expressed according to a stroke to the shape of a free tree.

  • "Cortex (ribbon) 1"
    It is a versatile tree trunk wind.
    Since the "thickness" is set to zero in and out, it becomes difficult to become cut like the end of the brush.
    When drawing the edges of the stem surface, the thickness is much smaller by lowering the pressure.

  • "Cortex (ribbon) 2"
    It is the trunk wind of the tree such as the pine and Kusunoki.
    Because it tends to become monotonous a little, it might be a good idea to adjust the "brush size" and "thickness" to make changes.

  • "Cortex (ribbon) 3"
    "Cortex (Ribbon) 4"
    Trees such as sycamore Tree Wind. The bark can be drawn like a peel.

  • "Cortex (ribbon) 5"
    It is a trunk wind of a tree such as cypress.
    The "thickness" is set to zero.

If necessary, I think that I can put out a sense of quality and a stereoscopic feeling more by adding it and erasing it.



  • 「木肌(リボン)1」

  • 「木肌(リボン)2」

  • 「木肌(リボン)3」

  • 「木肌(リボン)5」


Cortex Brush Set 木肌ブラシセット

Content ID:1674828

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

ねぐら☆なお/有楽舎工房's profile Go to profile

一応マンガ家。都内の幾つかの専門学校でクリスタ教えてます。「現場で役立つCLIP STUDIO PAINT時短テクニック」(ソーテック社)に共著で参加。twitter( @neguranao )で思い出したかのようにクリスタネタを投下する時があります。CLIP公式の「コミスタ→クリスタ乗り換え講座」を少し担当いたしました。「有楽舎工房」( )で背景素材集を発行しております!ねぐら☆なおHP( )

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