Creation of white frame for outside (commercial 5 ㎜ version) (断ち落とし枠外に白枠作成(商業5㎜版)) 断ち落とし枠外に白枠作成(商業5㎜版)

Content ID:2011739

  • 4
  • 10 GOLD
  • 100 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is auto action to make the frame that fill in white to the outside of the drop off.
For commercial issue cut out 5mm only.
It becomes easy to visually check the finished state, it is also avoided that it becomes difficult to see the line and tone of the page information is cut off.
商業誌用 断ち落とし5mm専用です。

It is auto action to make the frame that fill in white to the outside of the drop off.

Preset "5mm for commercial issue cut-off (600dpi)" is dedicated.

When you do this, you create the following layers and folders at the top of the layer:
  • White outer frame raster layer fill the outside area of the cut off.
  • duplicate layer The color ON the screen and set as draft layer
  • Folder with these two layers

The two layers are in the lock layer state, not carelessly moving or drawing.
We have also changed the palette color to white.

You may choose any layer when you run the auto action.
It is automatically created at the top of the layer.

It becomes easy to visually check the finished state, it is also avoided that it becomes difficult to see the line and tone of the page information is cut off.

  • In the auto action, we create a selection stock layer named "Tentative frame A," "Temporary frame B."
    If a layer with the same name already exists in the relationship in which the "Change current layer" action is in, it may not work properly.

  • The process is a little more heavy in a relationship that is taking on inefficient procedures. Please understand.
In addition to the ★ "for commercial issue 3 ㎜" version and each Publisher version (Shueisha AB, Kodansha AB, KADOKAWA, Shogakukan AB) is also separately available auto action set.


プリセット「商業誌用 断ち落とし 5mm のモノクロ(600dpi)」専用です。

  • 断ち落としの外の領域を白で塗りつぶしたラスターレイヤー「白外枠」
  • 同レイヤーを複製し表示色をON、下描きレイヤーに設定
  • この二つのレイヤーを入れたフォルダー




  • オートアクションの中で「枠仮A」「仮枠B」という名前の選択範囲ストックレイヤーを作っています。

  • 効率の悪い手順を踏んでいる関係で、少々処理が重めです。ご了承ください。

Cut off outside-for commercial issue 5mm version 断ち落とし枠外-商業誌用5mm版

Update history

Ver1.0 2023/06/26Upload Ver1.0 2023/06/26Upload

Content ID:2011739

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

ねぐら☆なお/有楽舎工房's profile Go to profile

一応マンガ家。都内の幾つかの専門学校でクリスタ教えてます。「現場で役立つCLIP STUDIO PAINT時短テクニック」(ソーテック社)に共著で参加。twitter( @neguranao )で思い出したかのようにクリスタネタを投下する時があります。CLIP公式の「コミスタ→クリスタ乗り換え講座」を少し担当いたしました。「有楽舎工房」( )で背景素材集を発行しております!ねぐら☆なおHP( )

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