Nutmeg Pen (modified version) (ナツメグペン(修正版)) ナツメグペン(修正版)

Content ID:1769180

  • 228

It is the pen that I usually use for making comics.
It is a wild pen which is considerably difficult to handle, but it will be able to draw the line of various expressions if peaceful.

The first time, the cartoonist is a fine ten nutmeg (Seiju natsumegu).

It is a pen that I use for making comics from the time of the debut.

It is a wild pen which is considerably difficult to handle, but it will be able to draw the line of various expressions if peaceful.

Monotonous lines are not suitable for a desired style of painting.

It is suitable for the suspense and the horror which wants to have the expression on a line!
Please use it by all means!
Manga comic Pen

▼ Animation Sample

▼ Color Animation Sample

I can change the color of the pen !

Upload Information
2020/04/03 "Backup" has been described as removed! Because it is the one which is safe even if I have you use the material here freely, please use it without worrying!

2020/04/03 pen material I was replaced because I had uploaded wrong!

初めまして、漫画家してる晴十ナツメグ(seiju natsumegu)です。




manga comic pen




2020/04/03 「バックアップ用」という記載を削除いたしました!こちらの素材は自由に使って頂いても大丈夫なものなので、気にせず使って下さい!

2020/04/03 ペン素材間違ってアップロードしていたので差し替えました!

Old version

Content ID:1769180

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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漫画家やってます。良かったら漫画の方も 是非読んでください! 今まで描いた作品→【ヤクザと目つきの悪い女刑事の話】ヤク目 YouTubeアニメ化しました! → 【カイダンにっき】【自殺探偵】【君の終わりに、何度でも°】【あなたの勇者浮気してますよ】【悪役令嬢後宮物語(作画)】