Hoarse oil ■ Remake (かすれ油彩■リメイク) かすれ油彩■リメイク

Content ID:1776520

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It is a brush that remade the hoarse oil ■ (deleted) that had been published previously. 以前公開していたかすれ油彩■(削除済み)をリメイクしたブラシです。

I made it for thick coating, but can draw a line drawing. It is a pencil-like draw taste when I use it for line drawing.
When the texture density is lowered, smooth and higher will make the atmosphere stiff.
Please try it by all means to change the paper of the concentration, magnification, and the rotation angle.
Texture density 85 magnification rate of 80 to 90 may be similar to that before the remake.

Content ID:1776520

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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