The-Effect Line
Vector layerborder of the white frame is on. You can sound effect with a border if you draw the effect sound in black as it is.
line drawings
. Because of the reference state, the color coding of the color set is easier. It is easy to paint with the God tool such as a certain close and fill.Color Set (solid layer)
for the painting and other people. Because the layer has a name, it prevents the left of painting on the pallet instead. Turn it into a favorite color.-Whitewashed (solid layer)
The backgroundlayer to separate the person from the background like a white without. Let's paint the whole person first of all in the color set and separately.・背景(ベタ塗りレイヤー)
is gorgeous when the background is colorful? Try to match the extra decoration tool.-
There is a white part that does not paint behind the frame background? That's it. Because the lock hangs, it does not react to a certain close and fill. Rest assured.
- Paste from material to canvas
- Size the template on the canvas
- Change the Border brush shape if you like
- Change the contents of the color set to the color or object you use
- Keep the background in the color you use often
- Throw the template after the customize to the material
Transparent Color Background ◯
I want to paint a background often in comic essays with one shot with a circle tool... I made it. ↑ For use in "solid coating layer" like the background layer of the template. You don't draw the white part.-Colored background
color background ◯main color, you will be able to make at once sub color. Just use it in a raster layer.Gradation Transparent
background ◯Transparent color background ◯ gradation. Use it in a solid coating layer.Gradation colored
colored background gradation. Use it in raster layer.-Foyer background Brush
Pull from left to right. The pen is thick and paint if it is left as it is.・背景ドットペン
The dot penSeruseru pen to dot background dot pen background. Use it in a larger size.
dot pen dark background
.Accent Dot Pen
Make a layer on top of the balloon layer and multiply it by yourself.
Accent Diagonal Pen
Make a layer on top of the balloon layer and multiply it by yourself.
Fluorescent pen Marker
Learn MoreI'm a fluorescent pen. It'll be straight. Multiply it out.
- 素材からキャンバスに貼り付け
- キャンバスにテンプレートの大きさを合わせる
- 必要であれば枠線を好きなブラシ形状に変更
- カラーセットの中身を自分が使う色や物に変更する
- 背景はよく使う色にしておく
- カスタマイズ後のテンプレートを素材に放り込む
Color Comics template カラー漫画テンプレート
Decoration Tool Collection 装飾ツール集
A transparent background ◯. 透明色背景◯
Colored background 色付き背景◯
Gradation Transparent Color Background ◯ グラデ透明色背景◯
Gradation Colored Background ◯ グラデ色付き背景◯
The foyer background brush ホワホワ背景ブラシ
Dark Background dot pen 背景濃いドットペン
Background dot pen 背景ドットペン
Accent dot pen アクセントドットペン
Accent Diagonal Pen アクセント斜線ペン
Fluorescent pen Marker 蛍光ペンマーカー
Update history
I wrote a detailed explanation with tips.
Changed to pay.