Tool aids template close and fill no gaps (隙間無く囲って塗るツール補助テンプレート) 隙間無く囲って塗るツール補助テンプレート

Content ID:1759436

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This is the auxiliary template of close and fill tool without gaps. 『隙間無く囲って塗るツール』の補助テンプレートです。

Close and fill tool without gaps

If you are using the above tools without any inconvenience, you do not need to DL.
Please try this template if you feel you can not use it well.


How to use template

Check the template in file → new and select close and fill tool template without gaps.
The width, height, resolution, and paper color are optional.

◎ Please delete layer explanation when making a production.

1) Draw line drawings in a line-drawing layer (either vector or raster)
2) Place the color by enclosing any part in the color one layer with "close and fill tool without a gap"
3) Another part is color 2, Color 3... And I'll be under the fence

If you want to increase the line drawing, create a new layer in the line-drawing folder or in a color folder if you want to increase the color layer.

* Close and fill tool without gaps is the default setting
* Duotone If the width of the line drawing is less than or equal to 1px anti-aliasing, the value of "area scaling" of the close and fill tool without gaps should be greater than zero.

-20191211 Update content
I put a line-drawing layer and a color layer in a folder and made it easy to use.







1) 線画レイヤー(ベクター、ラスターどちらでも可)に線画を描きます
2) 色1レイヤー上で任意のパーツを『隙間無く囲って塗るツール』で囲って色をのせます
3) 別のパーツは色2、色3…と下に下に囲ってゆきます




Old version

Content ID:1759436

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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