It is a brush set to draw various wounds and patchwork. いろんな傷あとやつぎはぎを描くブラシセットです。
It is a brush set with 24 kinds of wounds and patchwork seams.
I had made a lot for Halloween.
There are a lot of scars from the Ai and bruises.
It is a design that was deformed to cartoon tic overall.
If you increase it, add it.


Category 1 カテゴリ1
After sewing 縫いあと
Sewing after Edge 縫いあとふち
After sewing tightly きっちり縫いあと
Stitch Wounds 縫い傷
Sewn wound stitches 縫い傷抜糸
Bruises あざ
Bruise. あざ濃いめ
Sparse bruises あざまばら
Strangle 絞めあと
You strangle me. 絞めあと濃いめ
Strangle, narrow 絞めあと細め
Cut Edge 切り傷ふち
Keloid rim ケロイドふち
Keloid ケロイド
Keloid Small ケロイド小さめ
Scratch ひっかき傷
Scratch-Thin ひっかき傷細め
Gunshot 銃創
Gung バリバリ
I バチッ
Patchwork つぎはぎ
Uneven patchwork 凸凹つぎはぎ
Injuries. 生傷
Blood marks. 血痕