Diagonal Tone Brush Set (斜線トーンブラシセット) 斜線トーンブラシセット

Content ID:1757540

  • 3,677

Analog diagonal tone and brush. アナログ調の斜線トーンとブラシです。

You can customize the size and angle of the diagonal.
Because it is in various sets, such as brushes for shaving, I think that it is easy to use when I put in a tool to choose what is necessary as appropriate.
I am emo by making the shading shaded by hand-drawn instead of tone. I have a feeling that something like that comes out.
It is the official material of the CELSYS used for the background and the accessory.
I use a simple black hair pen for the drawing of black hair.


Diagonal brush 斜線ブラシ

Deformed diagonal brush 変形斜線ブラシ

Diagonal tone 斜線トーン

Content ID:1757540

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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