This is a material collection of brushes and pictures related to yarn.
Other than random of this brush, the above direction is drawn from left to right. If you draw from right to left, this is the opposite pattern. Color can be changed.
The right and left straight tools are drawn from the bottom to the top, and the yarn is loaded with the same book.
You can also change the line tool color.
It becomes easy to handle it by taking the selection in "Select Color Gamut" when processing by changing the handle of the cover.
The cover of this thread is three kinds of + α, and "Custom for" is a transparent layer of the title image and the thread only, add the favorite material to the bottom, and can make a book cover with various yarn.
When you draw the combined layer into an image and image material it from the layer transformation by right-clicking, the deformation etc. can be made in the state with comparatively not deteriorated easily.