🐈 Bouncing Cat Kai (🐈跳ねねこ改) 🐈跳ねねこ改

Content ID:1752748

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is an animation material that only the cat bounces. ねこが跳ねるだけのアニメーション素材です

🐈 Bouncing Cat Animation material

Create a new moving illustration and paste this material onto the canvas.
Press the play button on the timeline to animate

I've created a DEBUT that I can play.
We have not been   able To confirm the debut. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I can't load DEBUT.

(1) Preparing the canvas
1280 × 720px 72dpi color is color
Check the create moving illustration
Number of cells (24) frame rate (8) to "OK"

The Layer palette is set with 24 animation layers

(2) Delete animation folder
Select the animation folder in the Layers palette
Delete layer.

I think that only paper is left in the Layer palette.

(3) Paste the material into the canvas
Find the thumbnail of the Bouncing Cat (Kai) or the new prancing cat on the material pallet.
Drag and drop the thumbnail of the Prancing Cat (Kai) or the new prancing cat onto the canvas.

(4) Play the animation
Click the Play button on the timeline
The prancing cat animation starts.

(5) You can also paste the "prancing cat" to the canvas.
Hide one of the layers in the palette

The content of the animation to be played

(This is 640 × 360px, but can actually be exported in the size of up to 1280 × 720px)

Peeking through the Layers palette
What kind of fraud is done by opening a timeline
It might be interesting to see

To think about why DEBUT is not loading
The vector used for the layer is a problem.
🐈跳ねねこ アニメーション素材です


DEBUTでの確認はできていません 残念です
 ※ DEBUTでは読み込めないそうです ごめんなさい

1280 × 720px 72dpi 表現色はカラー
セルの枚数(24) フレームレート(8)にして「OK」します








(これは640 × 360pxですが、実際には1280 × 720pxまでのサイズで書き出しできます)



Animation material アニメーション素材

Update history

The prancing cat changed the movement subtly. The Prancing Cat is new (the layer is the same one) 跳ねねこ(改)は微妙に動きを変更しました

Old version

Content ID:1752748

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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ちきうはまわる! つきもまわる