Seven kinds of sea urchin balloons with groundwork (下地付きウニフキダシ7種) 下地付きウニフキダシ7種

Content ID:1750165

  • 417
  • 200 GOLD
  • 1,200 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is the sea urchin balloon with the base sea urchin.
Enter short.
The variation is increased by changing the repeat method of the stroke.
It is Baixia Shiaki, but it might be good to use it in the background of the thickness of moderation because the black line buried.

I want to use a sea urchin flash with a balloon but the default round white background is a little out of time.
I don't want to bother drawing or layering white saturated line... It is a balloon with white base of sea urchin convenient at such time.

Drawing samples (created in B5/600dpi)
The pattern of strokes from the left is repetition, folding , and random.
From above , "The Sea Urchin", "sea urchin", "sea urchin", "sea urchin", "sea urchin Explosion", "sea urchin", "White Sea urchin"
It is recommended to set the stroke pattern with the red text " default settings " . But, please in your choice.
White background
Black background
"Suspicion of sea urchin" is a gap of about one line in the upper part occasionally, but when I move the size of the balloon a little, the gap filled and the line shifts.
Please enjoy the arrangement by deleting, increasing or rearranging the image brush tip you like.
The tag of "@ Bamboo Mushroom", "sea urchin" and "flash" is attached to the brush tip image.
The name is something like uni-urchin. Maybe
  • When you want to make the width of the line fat → increase the brush size (please lower the thickness if necessary)※ Please be careful because the density falls inevitably when the brush size is increased.
  • When you want to increase the length of the line, raise the thickness number.
  • If you want to reduce the variation in line length, increase the random number of "thickness" or uncheck the Random check.
  • When I make an extremely big balloon, I think that it is easy to adjust it when I make it by the size of the moderation and put it and check " change thickness while scaling " and enlarge it.


  • The basic is a circle.
  • Because the square and the polygon are set at the rounded corners 100, I think that it can use it reasonably.
  • You can also change the ground color line. Please also to Color comics.
  • The color of the sea urchin and the sea urchin change when the ground color is pure white.
  • When you overlap the balloons, make the overlapping portions a lot. When it is about to suffer a little, the sea urchin is scratchy.
* Combine how to add drawing position text start from center ... What seems to be different settings in the individual, such as is to be displayed in the tool property.
I think that it does not become stress when I use it beforehand.

  • 線の幅を太らせたい時 → ブラシサイズを大きく(必要に応じて厚さを下げてください)※ブラシサイズを大きくすると、必然的に密度が下がるので気をつけてください。
  • 線の長さを長くしたい時 → 厚さの数値を上げる
  • 線の長さのばらつきを減らしたいときは、「厚さ」のランダムの数値を上げるorランダムのチェックを外してください。
  • 極端に大きなフキダシを作る時は、程々のサイズで作ってから拡縮時に太さを変更にチェックを入れて拡大すると調整がしやすいと思います。

  • 基本は丸になっています。
  • 四角や多角形は角丸100に設定してあるのでそれなりに使えると思います。
  • 線や下地の色替えもできます。カラーマンガにもどうぞ。
  • ウニ純白は下地の色を変えると下地もウニも色が変わります。
  • フキダシ同士を重ねる時は、重なり部分多めにしてください。ちょっと被る程度だと、ウニ同士がチクチクします。 
追加方法・描画位置のテキストに結合・ 中央から開始…など個人で設定が違いそうなものは、ツールプロパティに表示されるようにしてあります。

Sea Urchin 7 Brothers ウニ7兄弟

Update history

2019.10.01 * * * Changed the price of GOLD/CLIPPY. 2019.10.01 *** GOLD/CLIPPYの価格を変更しました。

Content ID:1750165

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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主に漫画用の素材を公開してます。基本的に印刷前提なので大きめです。 twitter始めました。→@take_ki_noko

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