KZ Pen Set (KZペンセット) KZペンセット

Content ID:1749464

  • 5,679

It is a set of the KZ pen (for the color) made for the KZ pen and the color that I had distributed up to now.
It is for the person with weak pressure.

I modified the KZ pen which had been previously up and made a set in addition for a new color.
Please use it as a line-drawing pen mainly. It is for the low pressure direction.

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:1749464

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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成人向けイラストレーターです。 自分で作成して「オッ、これ使えるんじゃね?」と思った素材を公開していこうと思います。 作成するペンは大体、低筆圧な方向けです。