Trifolium (シロツメクサ) シロツメクサ

Content ID:1747895

  • 5,366

I made my own because I could not find the right trifolium of the brush 😊 ちょうどいいシロツメクサのブラシが見つからなかったので自作しました😊

Gray made in/350dpi. It corresponds to the color change.

Because the resolution is not enough, it is not suitable for the 600dpi manuscript very much.
It is intended to be used as a ribbon or as a spread.
It is recommended that you paint the layer below or paint the stems with a dark noodle brush when laid.

Coloring color: Black/Background color: Multiply after drawing in white or
Edit → [convert brightness to opacity] and apply it in the state of line drawing.

If you want to change the size or density, change the spraying effect particle size and spacing to any number.





Trifolium シロツメクサ

Content ID:1747895

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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