Effect Line Pen Set 02 (効果線ペンセット02) 効果線ペンセット02

Content ID:1710862

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Browse DL Thank you
I was really happy to have you push the DL to many people for the first time.

I wanted something to be able to write from the last line, and made it and saw it.
前回初めて たくさんの方にDLといいね押してもらえて本当に嬉しかったです

前回に続き 線の上から書けるものがほしいとなりつくって見ました

There's a white effect line in between the two effects lines to make the line disappear.
You can change the color in the sub color.

There is a pressure stroke pen _ a random sharp effect line to put

Scatter effect line with random + pressure to spray effect

Please use it according to your liking particle size, thickness, direction of particle, particle density, intervals, etc.

Please particle size the size of the effect line pen.
Please be careful because it scatters when I give a brush size.





Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1710862

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago