B5 Finish name paper (B5仕上がり用ネーム用紙) B5仕上がり用ネーム用紙

Content ID:1695519

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Name paper with page splitting action ページ分割アクション付きのネーム用紙です

[About the operation of the auto action]
When running auto action In Windows 10, the Windows Settings app may not work properly if the system-Clipboard-Clipboard history is on. (Added October 18, 2020)

CLIP STUDIO PAINT 1.9.7 not working properly
Was confirmed. Currently being modified.
(February 26, 2020)
I do not know the cause, but it seems that there is an environment that works correctly and does not work. We are happy to provide information about the operation status.
(Added October 16, 2020)

Please read it on the A4/600dpi canvas.

Draw into the name and specify layer

You can use actions to split a page into a layer folder.

Pages without writing will not be processed correctly.
* Text layer Please manually with "select layer Tool" etc.
* After the action is executed, the fix pixel is specified as 150dpi,
Setting the pixel to 600dpi without fixing it will result in a scale
You can copy and use it in your manuscript.
(If the processing is heavy, please use it to enlarge by 400% by 1P)

If you notice any trouble, please contact us and we will appreciate it.

Windows 10でオートアクションを実行する際、Windowsの設定アプリで、[システム]-[クリップボード]-[クリップボードの履歴]が[オン]になっていると、正常に動作しない場合があります。(2020年10月18日追記)

CLIP STUDIO PAINT 1.9.7で正常に動作しない






Set contents セット内容

Content ID:1695519

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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