Name paper with page splitting action ページ分割アクション付きのネーム用紙です
[About the operation of the auto action]
When running auto action In Windows 10, the Windows Settings app may not work properly if the system-Clipboard-Clipboard history is on. (Added October 18, 2020)
Please read it on the A4/600dpi canvas.
Draw into the name and specify layer
You can use actions to split a page into a layer folder.
Pages without writing will not be processed correctly.
* Text layer Please manually with "select layer Tool" etc.
* After the action is executed, the fix pixel is specified as 150dpi,
Setting the pixel to 600dpi without fixing it will result in a scale
You can copy and use it in your manuscript.
(If the processing is heavy, please use it to enlarge by 400% by 1P)
* Text layer Please manually with "select layer Tool" etc.
* After the action is executed, the fix pixel is specified as 150dpi,
Setting the pixel to 600dpi without fixing it will result in a scale
You can copy and use it in your manuscript.
(If the processing is heavy, please use it to enlarge by 400% by 1P)
If you notice any trouble, please contact us and we will appreciate it.
Windows 10でオートアクションを実行する際、Windowsの設定アプリで、[システム]-[クリップボード]-[クリップボードの履歴]が[オン]になっていると、正常に動作しない場合があります。(2020年10月18日追記)
Set contents セット内容