Stamp and postmark style stuffed material (切手と消印風素材詰め) 切手と消印風素材詰め

Content ID:1691646

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Imported antique stamps are stamped with a brush aimed at the wind and image material.
Image material zoom in and place the brush, try using it as you put it with Pom.
It seems to the end, and, because, this postmark does not make material, and, therefore, please loose the vicinity.

I want to make an original stamp Jian, and the shape tool which can write the square with the sewing eye traces on the edge is added.



Brush ブラシ

image material 画像素材

Bonus おまけ

Content ID:1691646

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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