Painted Boka Brush (塗りぼかブラシ) 塗りぼかブラシ

Content ID:1685950

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A brush that switches between the fill and blur tools with strong pressure/weak pressure. I can paint and blur it with one of this brush. The fine expression is weak. 塗りとぼかしツールを強い筆圧/弱い筆圧で切り替えるブラシです。このブラシひとつで色を塗ってぼかすことができます。細かい表現は不得手です。

A brush with a strong pressure, a brush that becomes a blur tool with a weak pressure.
You can color and blur with just one of these brushes.
The same brush is sharpened switch to transparent color the middle.

The finer parts of the hair are brushes that are not very good at it.
Because I think that it is difficult to use it depending on pressure, please adjust various and use it.


Content ID:1685950

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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