Crunchy Mechanical/dp-MechPencil (カリカリメカニカル / dp-MechPencil) カリカリメカニカル / dp-MechPencil
Content ID:1684379
Even in Clip Studio, the sharp mechanical pencil that was worn with SAI and has a fine, crispy thin... And creation.
We have reported that the ★ 350dpi B5 color has been able to print without any problems. Thank you very much for your important work and valuable information on printing.
However, the possibility that the difference might be made by the printing Office, and the author was unexpected printing, so it might be a little tricky.
SAIで愛用していた、カリッカリに細硬いシャープペンシルを Clip Studio でも... と作成。
A crisp drawing guy カリカリ描くやつ
A crispy erase guy カリカリ消すやつ
Update history
2016.09.18 published
(2016.09.25 full Size sample added)
2017.05.05 Printing
2016.09.18 公開
(2016.09.25 原寸大サンプル追加)
2017.05.05 印刷について追記