Chair. (椅子) 椅子

Content ID:1567188

  • 245
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)
This material can be used on Windows and Mac (Intel) systems.

Height 80cm. Width 40cm. 47cm depth.

The desk and the chair are roses.
I register to preset it so that I can use it in the scene when I fell down.



  • They fall to the front 前へ倒れる
  • They fall to the right 右へ倒れる
  • They fall to the left 左へ倒れる
  • They fall back 後ろへ倒れる


  • The positive position. 正位置
  • Right 右向き
  • Left 左向き
  • Opposite direction 逆向き

Update history

Content ID:1567188

Published : 9 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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